Wow.. has 2021 already been way busier and WAY better than I ever expected. It all started on the last week of 2020. My best friends decided that they were ready to sell their house and go active on January 1st. Being busy with making sure I had everything ready to go… I was fully distracted and had no idea that new years eve was going to be the best night of my life… why you might ask? because my BEST FRIEND asked me to spend the rest of his life with me and I 100% have been dreaming of this day since the second I met him.
This past week has consisted of back to back showings… (probably like 16) trying to figure out where, when and how I wanted to get married and just trying to soak in all of the exciting things that were going on. Sitting here today I realize how much I actually did. Wedding venue BOOKED. Date picked. DRESS BOUGHT! Family engagement party. 3 offers on my first listing… and my best friends ACCEPTED one of them!
People always tell me that I put way to many things on my plate and I’m always wayyyy to busy but I have to say, so many things happen when your are running around like a CRAZY person. I cant wait to share all the details with you about the engagement and the ins and outs of my first listing…